The Paper Plane:
Thanks both to Jamie Ridler and Keri Smith to bring back this childhood game to me. I have forgotten how fun it was to fly a paper plane from room to room. For this time, I drew colorful patterns and windows onto the paper plane.
My 1st Installation Art - The Journal Cover:
I tied the paper plane to the journal and pinned several found objects on the cover to make my version of installation art. Not bad!
Cover Up Art:
When I turned to the page which marked: "Doodle over the top of this page and in the marigns", something clicked.
Wrecking is all aobut letting go and step over into the unknown. For me, this also translates to move away from the rules / instructions. So to practice this new found realization, I re-presented "doodle" as "random cover-up" of the original text. Thus created my very original cover up art. :)
The IT Bag:
The wrecking act of "find a way to wear the jouranl" had me created a one-off IT bag. I took it with me and went into the city to have lunch with one of my writing friends. And gee, you couldn't believe the stare I got from peopel! And when I met up with my friend, he asked if I had forgotten to put the book back into my bag. I told him the journal was part of the design of this latest IT bag I got from Canada. And you know what, he believed it! Or maybe he was just being polite. But who cares! I had a blast!!!