Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Writer's Extreme Sport

I'm not a sports fan and the only exercise I do everyday is to walk Pepper for about half an hour. But I love watching extreme sports programme and dream that one day I could be a mountaineer or a rock climber. Well I got my chance! Kind of …

I'm joining NaNoWriMo 2009, which to me is the writer's extreme sport.

For those who are not familiar with NaNo, here is my brief summary of it.

- NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month
(I short it to NaNo. The NaNoWriMo is really difficult to say, try it!)

- Origin: USA

- Programme: To write a 50,000 words novel in 30 days time.

- Starts on 1st November and finishes on 30th November 2009.

- Central idea is QUANTITY not quality.

For more details, please check here.

I’ve been thinking, obsessively, about this for two weekends and wrote down pages and pages of the whys. Here are some of them:

1) To show that I’m a bloody freaking writer --> Yes, I am!

2) To show that I can do it --> Yes, I can …??!!!

3) Shoot for the moon, if fails, at least I hit some stars?! --> Or maybe my own feet! Ouch!!!

4) I want their web badge & winner badge!!! --> Childish, yeah, so what!

5) Maybe I’ll get a workable novel from it? --> ??!!!!

6) Maybe this is the challenge which will push me to be great? --> More likely to push yourself to exhaustion!

7) Possibly the best birthday gift I’ve ever given to myself (Nov is my birthday month! WooHoooo!!) --> Hey you, get that? ;)

8) Anyone who is serious about writing should try this at least for once! --> You mean self-torture …

9) To further loosen the in habitation that I have to be a (published / good) writer. --> Now that is a good point :)

To go through such extreme writing sport, I’m developing a game plan and will write about it in future posts.

O.K. who else is going to play this extreme sport with me?

P.S. I must be either insane or just simply being stupid to want to write 50,000 words in a month!

P.P.S. I chose today to post about NaNo because I love Signs. How many 999 you could get in your life’s time? Not too many. So I took this as something very special!


andrea said...

exciting! these are fantastic reasons to go for it :)

miruspeg said...

Yes Hybrid the 9/9/9 is a great reason to throw yourself in at the deep end.
I will throw you a lifeline should you need one but I believe you will do just fine.

200 pages in 30 days = 7 pages a day!!!

I noticed you listed 9 points as well....:-D

Good luck mate.

WrightStuff said...

Oh go on then, why not. It's the only way I'll get the novel started and I know we're looking at quantity rather than quality then I can silence that pesky inner critic. Done deal (she spits in hand and offers it - fortunately it's a metaphorical hand so no need to worry about catching swine flu or other nasties).

The fortunate thing for me is that November is a cold, dark, miserable month when all we want to do is barricade ourselves indoors!

WrightStuff said...

OK, actually I confess to being more than a little bit excited about this! Will you be my writing buddy? This may be just the push I need. Not sure how I'll fit it in around the day job, family and everything else but my motto has always been 'where's there's a will there's a way'!

Lisa said...

You go Hybrid J! And I love your reasons, especially the little award of a badge. Hey girl, that is not childish - heck, why do you think they give them out?!

9/9/9 - I totally forgot! A very auspicious day for a writing pledge indeed.

Leone said...

Good luck with this challenge it sounds just the thing to get motivated. That's 1,666 words per day. That's not really too bad, it's doable and I have no doubt that you will succeed.

WrightStuff said...

I signed up :)

Chapter Forty said...

This is fantastic, You go for it. Its only 1667 words a day. Believe in yourself you can do it. I love your posts where you have dialogue with yourself. These posts are extrememly readable, entertaining, honest and I can really relate to your feelings. Get that sort of dialogue happening with your book's characters and you'll romp it in.

Hybrid J said...

Hi Everyone,

You gals absolutely rock!!! I know I can step on your shoulders and leap ... let's hope I won't fall! :D

Bettyann said...

you go girl..remember quantity..look forward to hearing about your can always start with "one dark and stormy night" lol..thanks for visitng my blog..

Kim said...

This is great Hybrid & I love all of your reasons for doing it - I want to see that badge on your blog, too!! :) Can't wait to watch your progress and hear about your experience.

Pamela said...

Oh, I can just feel the excitement and wish I could participate with you. Unfortunately, I have way too many commitments this November. Kudos to you for signing up, Hybrid! I look forward to reading about your progress. You can do it! :D