Sunday, June 17, 2012

Fifty Shades of Grey

20120616 Medium Grey Glass Palette  ..

I thought I was over the Grey Matter last year when I learn and practiced color theories and color mixing for quite some time.  Oh nooooooo ... it's coming back to haunt me again!

As I went through the step by step videos from PTO, I was confronted with the Grey Matter again

I don't know about you, but painting an accurate grey scale is not an easy matter to me.  Especially, when I compared the grey scale card (from The Color Wheel Company) I got at home to both the pdf and on-screen grey scale from PTO.  The same Value 5 grey on all these scales are different. To top this, I had another set of grey scale from the online course I did last year which did not match any of the one I just mentioned.

What am I to do with the fifty shades of grey?

Maybe I should just pick one I like and forget about the rest OR read the book which is currently a hot topics among women!

Somehow I need to get over this to move forward with my learning.

Sorry everyone, part of this crazy talk is my sore throat ranting its discomfort ...

Thanks for listening! ;)

1 comment:

WrightStuff said...

Ha - I started reading THE BOOK yesterday!