Friday, September 23, 2011

What's In My Sketch Book?

Currently, my city (Melbourne) is holding the King Tutankhamun exhibition.  I have booked a ticket on May to see it but had to do a last minute cancellation due to the injury.  Fortunately, the exhibition is to last til early December, there is still time for me to visit.

When I cancelled my visit, I was quite upset as I have always been fascinated by the Egyptian Mythology.  They are full of wondrous imageries – a rich reservoir for imagination and creativity.

And because of this frustration, I found myself thinking (and even dreaming!) of one of the key symbol in Egyptian mythology constantly.  So it was only natural that I made a sketch of it.

20110726 Beetle

 Scarab Beetle, symbol of Sun God, Khepri (see details in link here). 

And when I was working on it, I was also drawn to the idea of the 16th century’s Curiosity Cabinet.  I imagined I was looking into one of Athanasius Kircher’s cabinet for the Pharoah’s Golden Beetle.

20110726 Beetle (Blurred) 2

Instead of following the rule of perfectly preserved specimen from the cabinet, I made the beetle a “broken” one.  I don’t quite know why.  Something about an imperfect beetle made sense to me.  I wanted to scope it up in my palm and told “him” that he was beautiful.  (Hmm … you can see how the hybrid mind is working, hahaha!)

20110726 Beetle CU

Anyway, that’s all for this week’s sketchbook.  Hope you like it!

Cheers and have a wondrous weekend!

(The sketch is also for Paint Party Friday - hosted by Eva and Kristin.  All are welcomed!  Do join in to share and support each other!)


Unknown said...

i love the scarab.

you have read 'the gold bug', i'm guessing?

you'd like it, if you haven't read it.

an injury is no good. you are a-okay, i hope?


Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Sorry you had to cancel. You have to go to Egypt to see it all though. :) I found it amazing.

Abela said...

Another time, your work in all forms is precious. Saludos

carol l mckenna said...

Your illustration is awesome and hope you are doing better and you will get to the exhibit ~ Trust. ~thanks, namaste, Carol (Share the Creative Journey) and Happy PPF ^_^

Crystal said...

awesome scarab! I know you will enjoy the King Tut exhibit, years ago I saw it when it came to D.C. :-)

Netty said...

Wonderful scarab, a brilliant drawing. Happy PPF, Annette x

Christine said...

great inspiration, wonderful work!

carlarey said...

I always like the broken ones best. Your scarab is beautiful.

Virtual Boy said...

So beautiful that you made him "imperfect" with his missing leg... it adds great character!
And I'm as always amazed by your skills of coloring and shading... love that the edges of the paper are similar to the golden shell of the scarab~

Hope you'll get well soon!

// - T.W -

Unknown said...

I love your golden beetle over that writing!!! wonderful work.....

Tammie Lee said...

this is wonderful! I really love it, something quite appealing about it.

Joni Nickrent said...

Sorry you were not able to make the exhibit, but your inspired work is awesome! Love the way you photographed it with the twigs! POP ART MINIS

ruth said...

You take such lovely photos of your work!

Annabelle said...

A Beautiful Mind...I would have done the same for I always find beauty and uniqueness in the imperfections of nature. Like you, Egyptian Mythology and History has always lured me in. I agree with Amy, if you haven't read "The Gold Bug" than by all means do. I'm an avid fan of Edgar Allan Poe's work, alas my nick name.
Love the colours you chose and the overlay of the bug on the some unearthed ancient paper.Very lovely work.

Robin Panzer Art said...

There's just something I love about pictures painted over text. Happy Paint Party Friday!

Melisa said...

I'm sorry you had to cancel the exhibit. I know I'd love to go! Love this sketch. You always have something interesting to see here.

Pam Tucker said...

Wonderful work, as always. These colors are some of my faves! Very sorry you had to cancel the exhibit.

Heather Foust said...

So sorry you missed the exhibit! But your beetle is very cool!

Mary C. Nasser said...

Beautifully done. Love your sketchbook and the photography of it that incorporates the branches.

Being a huge fan of Egyptian art myself, I can empathize with your disappointment in not seeing the show when you were scheduled.
But I hope you are feeling better soon. And see the show by December. :)

Paula - Buenos Aires said...

Wonderful concept and design. Awesome background too.

Geckostone said...

Oh spectacular! I've always been fascinated by Egyptian Mythology too! Wonderful painting and I like how you wanted to make the little guy feel loved! You sound like me! The imagination is everything! Deb

Elisa Choi said...

great work and photography as always.. love the imperfect beetle. it made sense to me too.. beautiful with the words. I hope you get to visit the exhibition soon. Take care!

GlorV1 said...

Oh I actually think that I may have lived during those days. I have always been fascinated by the Egyptian Mythology. It's intense as is your work. Great job. I would love to see the exhibit too.

Cameron said...

Well, I'm so glad you get to go to the exhibit....since you're obsessed and all...haha!

But really, I love that you told the scarab he was beautiful despite his "flaws"...hmmm....great message!

Take care, Sweetie! I'm wishing you pain free days ahead!

Karen Isaacson said...

so beautiful! makes me sigh.

Unknown said...

I love, love, LOVE your scarab- so perfect for your style. I also really like that he's broken- perfect finishing touch. When I was in 2nd or 3rd grade the King Tut exhibit came to our town, I would SO love to see it again as an adult- I'm sure it's incredibly inspiring!
Is this going to be a new series- I hope?
Happy PPF (a day late ;))

Kristin Dudish said...

The combination of text and imagery is beautiful! I think Egyptian history is fascinating also :)


p.s. The way you photograph your artwork is always wonderful

Martha from ilove2paint said...

The image you created is beautiful, colors text and all, but also the photography! I love it!

EVA said...

I wonder what the symbolism of dreaming of scarabs is? He is wonderful and I really like his "flaw". Great page!

Hope you get to the exhibit before it leaves.

Carol said...

Very nice sketch! Hope the injury is healing and you're up and about!

Becca said...

I've enjoyed going through your blog and looking at your work. Beautiful! I am now following. :-)

Teri said...

Love the sketchbook and love the commentary also.

Sinderella's Studio said...

Fascinating sketch!!! absolutely!
cheers, dana

young-eclectic-encounters said...

I too am facinated by Eygptain mythology and you did a compelling journal entry with it. I liked the broken leg so much of the worlds treasures are incomplete like your scarb.

Daniele Valois said...

Really nice.

Sadee Schilling said...

I really really like that you made him an "imperfect" beetle. It adds an element of unexpected depth and makes this sketch sort of an "untold story."

Last week I found and followed your blog through PPF, and now I'm so happy to see that we are both taking the "Creative Courage" course now! Yay!

p.s. I just started a little link party over at my blog called "Storytellers." I would love to see you there sometime! :)

Unknown said...

Pretty, and you always photograph your work nicely.

ps. I join PPF for the first time this week :)

Happy Weekend, Ev

Jennibellie said...

Awesome scarab love this sketch, thanks for sharing x