The nagging feelings have been going on for many many months. But I chose to to ignore it. I didn't want to know that I might have been wrong all these time, that I still don't know what I'm supposed to do with my life ...
The fact is that I'm still looking for that thing, that absolute thing which I was born to do, to be.
Time is truly running out when you are at a certain number of your age. I just don't have that many sets of 10-years for trial and error.
All these trying out of different creative medium have revealed its true purpose behind. It was the process of becoming.
The mind have been so wrapped up by all the possibilities that it was drowned in it. I have lost my own language of becoming.
I'm starting anew to be honest to myself, to learn to speak my tongue all over again.
I'm also re-learning to be forgiving to my mistakes, to believe that all is not lost.